Marymount Care Centre

In operation for over 30 years, Marymount is a care home near the west of Dublin which offers a range of care services; from long-term residential and palliative care to short-term support and day care.
It is an independent, family-run business. It seeks to offer ‘home from home’ support for all residents and visitors with a broad range of needs, and seeks to provide a care environment that is as unique as its location.
The Challenge
Marymount required an interior layout alongside design finishes for an extension at the property. They wanted it to communicate the character of the home’s location, its homely atmosphere and, most importantly, the care philosophy of the owners and management whose mission statement is ‘to nurse is to nourish’.

How we did it
Blueleaf balanced space planning and practicalities, such as creating quiet areas, without compromising on patient visibility, along with accessibility and ease of navigation.
The design aesthetic emphasised the location’s rich countryside setting and the home’s commitment to individual care. Drawing on a calm and serene palette, colour schemes, finishes, soft furnishings and space planning were incorporated into one integrated design solution; with a clear implementation schedule and budget. The result was an environment and ambience that the client had hoped for.
In care home environments, good interior design and development embraces well thought out details, to enhance how the space works for staff and residents. With the Marymount site, the design team drew inspiration from the client’s ‘homely’ brief, the history of the site, the natural surroundings and even the ‘colour’ of local stories and myths. The team delivered an integrated scheme that encourages staff and guests alike to feel both rooted in their location whilst care needs are supported.
The lounge area surrounds a fireplace with a feature inset carpet pocket to give the appearance of a rug but without any tripping hazard. The chair upholsteries have texture and low contrasting patterns to aid the visually impaired, with warming wools and familiar heritage check designs, which promote a sense that this is a home from home. Practical and more ‘formal’ spaces, like the dining rooms for example, flow in to more modern ‘informal’ spaces including an open kitchen area, where visitors and guests can be in control of their ‘day to day’ living.
The Blueleaf design approach and project management has ensured that Marymount will be both a care home and personal home for the next generation of residents.